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Clastic Sedimentation, Depositional Environments, and Sequence Stratigraphy

04-11-2024 To 08-11-2024

This course covers comprehensive aspects of clastic sedimentology, from the processes of sedimentation to the analysis of depositional environments and the application of sequence stratigraphy. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how to interpret and analyze clastic systems and apply this knowledge to hydrocarbon exploration, environmental geology, and academic research.

Date :
From 04 Till 08 Nov. 2024
City :
Fees :
Date :
From 04 Till 08 Nov. 2024
City :
Fees :


To provide geologists, sedimentologists, and earth science professionals with in-depth training in the principles and applications of clastic sedimentation, depositional environments, and sequence stratigraphy.

This course covers comprehensive aspects of clastic sedimentology, from the processes of sedimentation to the analysis of depositional environments and the application of sequence stratigraphy. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how to interpret and analyze clastic systems and apply this knowledge to hydrocarbon exploration, environmental geology, and academic research.

Who Should Attend

Target Group:

  • Geologists and sedimentologists involved in oil and gas exploration.
  • Researchers and academics in geology and earth science disciplines.
  • Environmental geologists applying sedimentological knowledge to land-use planning and hazard assessment.
  • Graduate students specializing in sedimentology, stratigraphy, or related fields.
  • Professionals in resource extraction industries requiring detailed understanding of sedimentary processes.
  • Understand the fundamentals of clastic sedimentation and its controlling factors.
  • Identify and analyze various clastic depositional environments.
  • Master the principles and techniques of sequence stratigraphy.
  • Apply sedimentological knowledge to reconstruct paleoenvironments and predict subsurface conditions.
  • Enhance skills in correlating stratigraphic sequences for geological modeling and resource exploration.

Target Competencies:

  • Sedimentological analysis and interpretation
  • Depositional environment reconstruction
  • Sequence stratigraphic modeling
  • Geological mapping and correlation
  • Integrative geological problem-solving

Fundamentals of Clastic Sedimentation

  • Overview of clastic sedimentology and its significance in geological sciences.
  • Processes of clastic sediment transport and deposition.
  • Characteristics of clastic sediments: grain size, composition, and textural features.
  • Techniques for sedimentary facies analysis.
  • Case studies illustrating the impact of tectonics, climate, and sea-level changes on sedimentation.
  • Clastic Depositional Environments

  • Detailed exploration of major clastic depositional systems (fluvial, deltaic, shoreline, shallow marine, and deep marine).
  • Environmental indicators and their significance in sediment interpretation.
  • Methods for paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on sedimentary structures and facies associations.
  • Integration of ichnological, paleontological, and geochemical data in environmental analysis.
  • Practical field and laboratory exercises in depositional environment interpretation.
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