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Statistic and Data in Amman

Statistic and Data

Discover a wide range of training courses in Amman, Jordan. Expand your knowledge and skills through our comprehensive programs designed to meet industry requirements. Unlock new opportunities and advance your career in the vibrant city of Amman.

Statistic and Data

Statistic and Data

Other Training Courses can you request in Amman [7]

Economic Statistics Training Course

The aim of this training course is to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to collect, analyze, and interpret economic data for effective decision-making in business and government.

Applied Statistics for Business Decision Making

The aim of this training course is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of applied statistics and its applications in various industries.

Actuarial Statistics for Business Decision Making

The aim of this training course is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of actuarial statistics and its applications in various industries.

Mastering Fixed Assets Management

To equip participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for managing fixed assets effectively within an organization.

Advanced Business Intelligence & Analytics

To empower participants with the skills to leverage business intelligence (BI) and analytics tools to transform data into actionable insights and drive business decision-making.

Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) Program

To train professionals in comprehensive data management practices, from data governance and architecture to quality control and security, equipping them with the skills needed to become Certified Data Management Professionals.

IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate Program

To equip participants with the foundational skills and tools needed to become proficient data analysts, utilizing IBM's state-of-the-art software and platforms.

Things To Do inAmman


Mount NeboMount Nebo

When visiting Mount Nebo, the scenery is spectacular. You'll see panoramic views of the area as well as the valley of the River Jordan to the north.

Amman Citadel Hill

Visitors flock to the citadel to see the glorious hand that is believed to be the hand of a large Roman statue of Hercules. This hand is all that remains of the statue and is a symbol of the Roman hero's strength. Other remains of the temple include two complete pillars along with the ruins of four other pillars.

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